Uninsured Driver Compensation

I am sure most of us realise that is illegal to drive without insurance – one thing is for certain however, some of us choose to drive without insurance.  In fact, each year, one million people drive on our roads without insurance.

Given that the usual route to getting compensation if you have been injured by a negligent third party in a road traffic accident is by pursuing their insurance company, this begs the question, how do you get compensation from an uninsured driver?

An expert injury lawyer should advise that you can still make a claim for compensation through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau who were set up back in 1946 to help those who suffer at the hands of negligent uninsured drivers.  After all, just imagine a scenario where you were unable to get compensation for you injuries simply because the Defendant committed the offence of driving without insurance, this would not be right.  That is why, each year, when you pay for your insurance premium, about £15 to £30 of this goes to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau compensation fund.  You just never know, one day it may come in handy for you!

How do you claim from the Motor Insurers’ Bureau?

I would always recommend seeking the advice and expertise of a quality injury lawyer who is happy to take your claim on.  They will do the work on your behalf and having dealt with these claims everyday make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.  The first steps would be to submit a Claim Form to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau and the right injury lawyer will take you through this and make sure all the information that is required is put down correctly.

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau will then investigate your claim and where it is decided that your are entitled to compensation they will arrange for medical evidence to be obtained so that they can decide how much compensation they believe you should get.  Again, with an expert injury lawyer on your side, they will be able to advise you every step of the way to ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve.

If you think you are entitled to compensation and believe that the driver who caused your injuries was uninsured and are not sure what to do next, get in touch with us at The Injury Lawyers today on 0800 634 75 75 and we will do our best to answer your questions and provide as much no obligations and free legal advice as possible.

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