Whiplash Claims Lawyers – How Much Will I Receive?

You should know from the outset of your claim that without medical evidence and without knowing precisely what losses you have suffered as a result of the accident your were injured in, it is nigh impossible to properly value your claim.  This is because a medical report is the only source of information that an injury lawyer can value you your claim from and because your related losses can have a significant effect on the value of your claim.

A medical report provides a diagnosis of your injuries – in other words, what your injuries are and the extent of these, and also provides a prognosis – an idea of how long a medical expert believes you will suffer from your injuries for.  The general rule is that the more severe your injuries and the longer they last, the more your claim will be worth.

In terms of losses, there are many heads of losses that you can claim.  For instance, if you have had to have time off work because of your injuries then you can make a claim for any monies that you have lost out on.  Likewise, if you have had to pay any travel costs getting to and from a medical appointment or have had to pay for medication, these costs can be claimed from the Defendant. 

Another type of loss is that relating to care and assistance.  If your injuries have been severe enough that they have meant you needed someone to help you out around the house, then you can try and recover the associated costs from the Defendant.  Naturally, the greater your losses, the more your claim will be worth.

So at the start of your claim it is near impossible to value your claim because no one knows precisely how severe your injuries are, how long you will suffer for, and the extent to which you have related losses.  That said, we do know that on average a whiplash claim settled for around about £2,500.00 last year and that a minor whiplash injury, that is one that lasts for between 3 and 5 weeks is worth around £1,000.00.

If you want some further advice or want to discuss in greater depth how your claim is valued, give our friendly team at The Injury Lawyers a call today on 0800 634 75 75 and we will be more than happy to help.

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