Whiplash Compensation Advice Guide

Whiplash is one of the most common types of injury we come across here at The Injury Lawyers.  This is because the most common type of accident claim is a road traffic accident claim. 

At the end of the day there are millions of cars on our roads, and humans make mistakes – meaning accidents happen.  If you are unfamiliar with whiplash or want a bit more information about whiplash, I have prepared this short guide for you.

What is whiplash?

It is a soft tissue injury which affects your head, neck and shoulder areas.  It is where the tendons and muscles and in these affected areas get strained.

Do I have whiplash?

After road traffic accidents, many people complain of symptoms that make it sound like they have whiplash.  What you have to remember is that at The Injury Lawyers, although we are expert and quality injury lawyers, we are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose whiplash.  But, from what you tell us, we can certainly tell you if it sounds like you have whiplash and would always recommend that you visit your local GP or hospital to get them to check you out.

Whiplash is a typical injury arising out of car crashes because it is caused by the sudden jolting of your head and neck which often occurs when a vehicle collides with your car and your seatbelt kicks in and pulls you back.

Whiplash symptoms:

  • Pain, stiffness or tenderness in your neck/shoulders
  • Pins and needles
  • Shoulder pain
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Restricted mobility

How long will I have whiplash for?

Everybody’s whiplash is different.  Some people will suffer whiplash for a few days, others a few weeks and some a few months.  Even if you were sat next to each other in the same vehicle, you may well suffer from whiplash for a varying amount of time.  At the end of the day it depends on your body’s make up and the severity of the impact you suffered.  A medical expert should be able to give you an indication of how long you will suffer.

Whiplash treatment

The most common treatment is a prescription for painkillers.  But, if your whiplash is more severe, it may mean that you need alternative treatment such as physiotherapy.  The NHS are able to provide this but often their waiting lists are quite long and it may take weeks if not months before you are seen.  This is why at The Injury Lawyers we may be able to set you up with some private medical treatment at because we realise that the quicker you get treated, the less suffering you will have to endure, and the faster you will be back on your feet. 

Can I be compensated for my whiplash?

Only if you were not at fault for the accident, or at least not entirely to blame.  Give us a call today on 0800 634 75 75 and we will be able to assess the prospects of your claim for free.

How much is my claim worth?

A minor whiplash injury lasting between 3 and 5 weeks could be worth around £1,000.00.  Last year, minor whiplash claims settled for an average of £2,500.00.  Naturally, if you have any related losses such as a loss of earnings due to time off work because of your injury this can be claimed too and will affect the value of your claim.

What should I do now?

If you think you are entitled to compensation for your whiplash injuries get in touch with us at The Injury Lawyers today and we will be happy to have a no obligation chat with you at no cost to yourself to provide you with any advice if we can.  If we think you have a claim we will let you know and if you want us to, we can get the ball rolling on your claim the same day.

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