Passenger Personal Injury Claim Lawyers

If you are a passenger in a motor vehicle which has been involved in a road accident and you have been injured, we have a little good news for you; you are entitled to compensation and your claim has one of the best prospects of success and should not take long at all.

It is very unlikely that as a passenger you were to blame for the accident you were involved in.  You would have had to have been distracting the driver or doing something along those lines to be considered in any way at fault.  If you were in the vehicle whose driver was not at fault for the accident, you are almost certainly going to have a successful claim. 

Likewise, even if you were in the car that caused the accident, you probably won’t have been at fault and again are almost guaranteed a successful claim.

Here are a few examples of previously successful passenger injury claims we have dealt with:

  • Someone collides with the rear of the vehicle in which you are a passenger
  • Someone pulls out of a side road into the vehicle in which you are a passenger
  • The driver of your vehicle goes to fast round a corner and you end up going off road and into a tree
  • The driver of your vehicle tries overtaking someone and collides into the front of an oncoming vehicle
  • You are on a bus which brakes suddenly and for no reason and you are thrown forwards out of your seat

In all of the above, so long as you have been injured, you can successfully claim for compensation.

What do you do next?

If you want to be compensated for your injuries you should instruct a quality injury lawyer with years of experience in dealing with passenger injury claims.  You should ensure that they will not charge you a penny for your claim and will fight tooth and nail for the maximum compensation you deserve.

How the claims process works:

You should provide your injury lawyer with all the details of your accident.  They will then submit a Claim Notification Form via the Ministry of Justice online portal which goes to the Defendant’s insurer.  They have 1 business day to acknowledge it and then a further 15 business days to admit or deny liability.  Once liability has been confirmed, you will be required to attend a medical appointment so that a medical report can be compiled and your claim can be settled.  Your medical report is the key to properly valuing your claim.

If you want any further advice then give our expert team a call today between 9am and 10pm on 0800 634 75 75 and we will be more than happy to help.  If you want, we can even get the ball rolling on your claim that day!

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