How Much is My Compensation Claim Worth? Lawyers Advice!

This is one of the most common questions we are asked by our own clients just as much as the accident victims who ring us up for our expert advice and to find out more about our quality representation. As a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we are the best guys to ask to answer this question.

Unfortunately, we can’t quite answer it yet…

It all comes down to the nature of your injuries, suffering, and losses. The value of your claim is entirely dependent on the severity of your injuries and how much they have affected your life. For example, a fractured leg is generally worth more than a bruise to the leg. If you are suffering for six weeks as oppose to two weeks, your claim will likely be worth more. If you are a very active person who has been prevented from taking part in sporting activities as a result of your injury, this can be taken in to account in comparison with someone who doesn’t take part in any sporting activities and has generally been impaired by the injury less.

On top of that, we need to know how much money you have lost from not being at work, how much you have spent on medication and treatment, how much you have spent on travel expenses, etc. Because however much you have financially lost out on is what we can recover back from the other side, so long as it’s reasonable and as a result of your accident and injuries.

So, that’s why we cannot tell you right now how much your claim is worth. We need to send you to see one of our expert medical consultants and calculate your total losses for the claim. And then we can tell you how much it’s worth. So to get that started give our free claims helpline a call on 0800 634 75 75.

We May be able to give you a rough guide if you use our specialist personal injury compensation calculator:

Put your name and mobile number in and we will text you with your valuation. However, please understand that the valuation is based on the information you input in to the calculator and the JSB Guidelines that are official guidelines we use to value claims with medical evidence. So, although it gives you the real and official brackets, it’s only a rough idea as it’s based on what you put in to the calculator as opposed to the expert medical evidence we get for you.

So, if you’re unlucky enough to be injured in an accident (I’m writing this on Friday 13th so hopefully today wont be too unlucky for you!) and you want to know whether you have a claim for compensation and how much it could be worth with the calculator, give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 today and we will be happy to help you out!

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