Whiplash: Symptoms and Treatment

Whiplash: It is the bane of people’s lives when they have been injured in a road traffic accident. We have all heard about it – but what are the symptoms of whiplash and how do you treat it?

Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries we come across here at The Injury Lawyers. If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, no matter how minor or major the accident was, you probably will have whiplash. We deal with whiplash claims on a day to day basis so we are expert whiplash claims solicitors.

So you have been involved in an accident but how do you know if you have whiplash? Whiplash is often only associated with neck pain, but don’t be fooled; whiplash injuries can include back and shoulder pain as well, not mentioning the other side effects. Whiplash can include the following symptoms:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Neck swelling
  • Tenderness along the back of the neck
  • Reduced movement in the neck or loss of movement
  • Headaches

Other symptoms of whiplash might include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Pain, numbness or pins and needles in the arms and hands
  • Muscle spasms
  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Blurred vision
  • Vertigo which is the sensation that you are moving or spinning while standing still
  • Tinnitus which is the perception of noise in one ear, both ears or inside the head

Do these irritating symptoms sound familiar? If so, you unfortunately have whiplash by the sounds of it, and by law you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. Whiplash effects peoples live in the most inconvenient ways – so how do you get rid of it? As I am sure you are aware whiplash will not just disappear overnight, although we wish it would. Sometimes whiplash can take up to 6 months to completely heal depending on the severity of your injuries.

But here are some methods of speeding up the healing process in order to get you back on your feet again:

  • Medication: Your GP may recommend that you should take paracetamol as a first pain killer to treat mild to moderate whiplash. If the pain is more severe your GP may prescribe a stronger pain killer such as codeine.
  • Physiotherapy is also a method of treatment: It uses a variety of physical methods, such as massage and manipulation to promote healing and wellbeing. The treatment will help restore your flexibility range after being involved in a road traffic accident.
  • Osteopath treatment: This works in the same way as physiotherapy and aims to get you back in action again!

Here at the injury lawyers we understand the importance of getting back to a normal way of life; after all, with our busy lives, no one has time to be unwell. That’s why we offer no cost private physiotherapy and osteopathic treatment for all our clients. Obtaining this kind of treatment though the NHS can often be delayed due to the long waiting lists, which is why we offer our service to help you feel more comfortable and help you feel like you again in a much quicker timeframe.

If you have whiplash as a result of someone else’s negligent actions don’t hesitate to call us today on 0800 634 75 75.

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