Whiplash Symptons

Are you currently experiencing stiffness and pain in your neck, shoulder or back area? Tenderness and headaches? Do you feel less mobile and tiered? These are just some of the symptoms of whiplash you can experience.

Whiplash is one of the most common types of injury as a result of being involved in a road traffic accident. Here at The Injury Lawyers we are expert personal injury solicitors who aim to get all of our clients the maximum amount of compensation possible and we give you 100% of it – not a penny less.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you are entitled by law to claim for personal injury compensation. Why should you have to suffer because of someone else’s negligent actions? You shouldn’t – that is why with the right personal injury solicitor by your side you can get the justice that you deserve. Claiming for whiplash is an easy, hassle free procedure too. To get your claim started we will complete a Clam Notification Form with you which is a form containing all the details and circumstance of your accident. We will ask you for all the relevant information and all you have to do is provide it! Simple as that.

Once we have all the relevant information for your Claim Notification Form we submit the form to the negligent party’s insurer who will then have 1 business day to acknowledge receipt of the form and a further 15 business days to investigate and respond in relation to liability. This ensures that to claim compensation for whiplash it is a very simple, effective and efficient procedure. It is designed to make sure that the innocent victim gets their compensation as soon as possible. No messing about.

Once we have a response from the third party insurer we will obtain your medical evidence in order to value your claim and get the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. The purpose of compensation is to place you in a position as if the accident had not even occurred. Obtaining medical evidence is simple too, we will organise a medical appointment at a time and place that is convenient for you, all you have to do is attend, let the independent medical professional examine you and have a chat about the accident and they will then produce a medical report which is your medical evidence.

The next stages are all down to the hard work of an expert personal injury solicitor to value your claim and negotiate with the negligent party’s insurer to give you the maximum amount of compensation.

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, call The Injury Lawyers today on 0800 364 75 75 for some free, friendly legal advice and the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve!

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