Zebra Crossing Accident Compensation Claims – Lawyers Advice

There have been plenty of safety campaigns on television and on street posters aimed at protecting pedestrians, but unfortunately pedestrians are still caught up in road traffic accidents as a common occurrence.

Some fortunately suffer with only minor injuries whilst others are more seriously hurt.  In many cases, the pedestrian won’t have been at fault for the accident and is entitled to compensation for their injuries – or may have been partly to blame, but the law is generally on the side of the pedestrian.

Zebra crossing accidents are one of the more common places where pedestrians are injured by motor vehicles.  This is despite zebra crossings having warning signs and being clearly marked out on the road.  Even though motorists are supposed to be careful and look out for zebra crossing and beware of people on these crossings and stop, this does not always happen – sadly with serious consequences.

The law is clear.  Motorists have a duty of care to other motorists, those they carry in their vehicles, and importantly, pedestrians.  In terms of the zebra crossings, the law is equally clear.  Zebra crossings are a pedestrian’s right of crossing.  Motor vehicles must stop where there is a pedestrian waiting to cross as a zebra crossing or who is already on a zebra crossing.  Although it is a pedestrian’s right of crossing and cars should stop, pedestrians should not just walk out onto a crossing without checking the traffic or because cars should stop though. The pedestrian must also remain cautions at all times.

If you have been struck by a motor vehicle whilst on a zebra crossing and have been hurt, you may be entitled to compensation for any injuries you have.  You should contact an expert injury lawyer as soon as you have been checked out by a medical expert at your local GP or walk in centre so that you can discuss a potential compensation claim.  They will be able to advise you as to what you can claim for and whether you are likely to have a successful claim.

At The Injury Lawyers we have dealt with countless pedestrian injury claims and are experts in the field.  We guarantee you 100% of any compensation you receive and offer exceptional service levels.  For a confidential chat call us for free on 0800 634 75 75.

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