Medical Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Physiotherapy After an Accident

Compensation Claims Lawyer Advice

For us, it’s not just about getting you the maximum amount of compensation in the quickest time possible; it’s also about helping you get back on the road to recovery as fast as we possibly can.

Rehabilitation for many injuries is the key to a successful recovery in as quicker time as possible. However, whilst the NHS does a fantastic job, we know that the process for getting help with the NHS can often be slow. For a claim for compensation with The Injury Lawyers, you don’t need to worry about waiting around for medical help at all!

You are entitled to seek private medical care for your injuries if it is going to help you recover at a much faster rate. We can arrange for medical help straight away even before the other side has accepted fault for the claim with our Early Intervention Policy which gives you access to physiotherapy, chiropractic, or even osteopathic help. You do not need to pay for the help up front as we arrange for the funding to be sorted out. If the claim wins we will seek recovery of the medical fees back from the other side, and if it loses, the fees can be covered by insurance.

The thing is, by law, the other side has a duty to help you recover as fast as possible – which is why we can pin the charges for medical treatment directly on them. Once the other side has accepted fault and you have seen the medical expert we send you for to complete the medical report, we will know if there is any further medical intervention you need. At that stage we can agree it with the other side. If the medical evidence says it’s required, than the other side should have no problems paying for it (e.g. an MRI scan).

Right from the start of your claim we can assess if you need any medical intervention straight away. If you do, we can normally get it sorted in just a few days or a week or so.

We will normally receive reports from the treatment providers you see, and they can be tied in with the medical evidence we get for you as well. The treatment provider’s first step is usually to do an initial assessment to confirm whether they believe any medical intervention is required. If so, we will arrange the appointments at places, times, and dates that are all convenient for you – another reason why the private help is normally more efficient that that on the NHS.

So, if you have been injured in an incident through no fault of your own, call our free claims helpline today on 0800 634 75 75 – if we can take your case on, which we normally can tell you over the phone right away, and we can instruct our medical partners to get treatment sorted out for you on the very day you instruct us to pursue your case.

Most lawyers will probably wait until the other side has accepted liability and you have had a medical report before even thinking about getting you treatment. We think this is rather daft, since it could take months for the other side to complete their investigations, and weeks to get a report thereafter. Why wait so long when you can have treatment much sooner with us?

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