Swimming Accidents

Swimming is a past time enjoyed by many of us – and with the Olympics just around the corner, I’m sure many of us will feel the urge to go to our local swimming baths and enjoy a quick dip! Whether you are lane swimming or just having a leisurely swim, the last thing you want to happen is to get injured whilst in or around the pool.

Injuries sustained whilst swimming can be serious as you have a larger amount of your body exposed than you normally would do. The first thing that comes into my mind is  that your feet are exposed and therefore any defects in the flooring are going to cause more damage than when you are wearing a shoe and step on something walking down the street.

Loose, broken and chipped tiles are often culprits in swimming pools that can cause cuts and slices to the skin, but there are also other potential hazards such as loose or uncovered drains.

Aside from the obvious slipping hazard that are naturally a problem at any pool – hence the “No Running” signs that are always commonly in sight around the pools.

So, what can you do if you’ve suffered an injury?

The good news is, you may have the right to claim! If you have been injured by a defect in a swimming pool you have the right to claim under what is known as Occupiers Liability Act. By law, an occupier of a premises must take reasonable steps to ensure that the premises are safe and reduce any potential risk of injury.

Although a fun past time, swimming pools can be dangerous places, as there is always going to be an inherent risk when water is present. The owners of the swimming pool does however still owe you an important duty of care and therefore should take steps to reduce this risk of slipping– for example, many will have rubber flooring, warning signs and other precautions to reduce the risk of a fall.

The final issue to address in this blog concerns the chlorine used in swimming pools. As we all know, this keeps the pool clean and consequently safe for visitors to use. However, too much chlorine can be dangerous and can cause injuries such as skin irritation, eye irritation and can even damage your bathing suit! If you have suffered from the above and the reason has been the level of chlorine used you may also have the right to claim for compensation as there has been negligence by the occupier. However, this sort of thing is rather uncommon.

Here at The Injury Lawyers, we understand that sustaining an injury can cause long term effects and have considerable constraints on your finances through potential lost earnings or medical expenses that can easily be included in your claim. Give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 or fill in the quick form below and one of our friendly team will call to discuss your claim free and with no obligation.

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