Uninsured Drivers & MIB Claims

As insurance policies become more expensive, more drivers are likely to take to the road without insurance. Although I understand that sometimes the insurance is just too much to pay, what some of these drivers fail to realise is that uninsured drivers are one of the main culprits for pushing up insurance premiums in the first place – aside from the fact that it is illegal!

If more motorists are driving without insurance then surely that means more people will be involved in a Road Traffic Accident with an uninsured driver? The answer is yes – Here at The Injury Lawyers, we have seen an increase in the number of client’s coming to us to request advice about claiming for injuries they have sustained at the hand of an uninsured driver.

Most client’s do not believe you can make a claim for compensation against an uninsured driver –the great news is that you can.

This claim can be brought against the negligent driver of the vehicle directly by seeking a judgment from the Courts which forces the negligent driver to pay compensation directly to the innocent victim of the accident. However, most of the time the negligent driver will not have any means of paying the compensation and therefore this route can often be a waste of time.

The other more popular route is to claim through the Motor Insurer’s Bureau, or the MIB as its commonly referred to. The MIB deals with claims from innocent victims involved in accidents with uninsured drivers and untraced drivers.

All insurance companies dealing with compulsory motor insurance must be a member of the MIB so that they can contribute to the funding of the company. Unfortunately the MIB cannot deal with all claims and therefore have criteria which must be met in order for them to take on the claim for personal injury.

  1. The claim for personal injury must be made within three years of the date of accident
  2. A claim for damage to property only must be made within 3 years of the date of the accident in Scotland and within 6 years of the date of accident in the rest of the UK.
  3. Losses resulting from the accident must be kept to a minimum at all times.
  4. The accident must be reported to the Police immediately.

The MIB will often request that their own claim form is completed in order for them to consider the claim for personal injury and that they are provided with copies of all documents which you may hold in relation to the accident and the other party involved.

The MIB provide a great service for people who have been injured, at no fault of their own, due to an uninsured driver. Here at The Injury Lawyers, we deal with a significant number of personal injury cases which are proceeding through the MIB. In many respects the claims run the same as if they were against an insurer.

We have the knowledge and expertise to be able to get you the maximum amount of compensation you are eligible for from the MIB and as we deal directly with them, the stress that can be caused by a claim is taken away from you, the innocent party.

Why shouldn’t you make a claim?

If you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver which was not your fault, and have been injured as a result, please contact us here at The Injury Lawyers for professional legal advice on your situation and circumstances.

The advice is free and free from any obligation. Please call us now on our dedicated claims line 0800 634 75 75.

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