The Best Personal Injury Lawyers in the UK

How do you know who the best injury lawyers in the UK really are? Well luckily we can answer this question for you – because we know exactly what it is you should be able to expect from a quality injury lawyer to make sure you get the best service and the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Naturally, as we are The Injury Lawyers, a firm of specialist personal injury only lawyers with years of compensation claiming experience behind us, we do all we can to make sure that what we do is better than the rest. And to be honest, we can prove that it is (in our opinion).

It’s easy to start by simply understanding what it is a person needs when they are making a CLAIM for compensation.


That your claim is being handled by the most experienced of legal staff. As we specialise and deal only with claims for personal injury law, all of our lawyers and trained legal staff have specialist experience in working solely with claims for compensation. We don’t deal with other types of law – so we offer a bespoke and specialist personal injury experience.

Loyal & Friendly Legal Teams

Who will update you on the progress of your case at least every 14 days, so you always know what’s going on with the claim. All correspondence on your claim will be actioned on the day it is received or at least within 24 hours – your calls are therefore always returned. We avoid the jargon and formalities – we’re here to build a solid relationship with you because you are our valued client – not just another number in a computer database.

Some law firms don’t even have a policy of contacting their clients within certain timeframes… it’s just an “as and when” thing…

And as for being friendly and efficient? Well put it this way – I’ve heard our Principal Solicitor say many times that he should have names us “The Friendly Lawyers” or “The Nice Lawyers”!

Assistance when you need it the most

We know for many it’s not just about the compensation – you need medical and financial help right from the start of the claim. That’s why we have our early intervention policy that gives you access to private medical care right from the start of the claim – when you need it the most. The funding is all sorted out on our end, and the fees are either recovered from the other side if they accept liability, or covered under a policy of insurance.

We also know you need financial help when you are off work for long periods of time. Its standard practice here to fight for interim payments for all of our clients when applicable; which is an early part payment that covers your financial losses to date. If you need it and they don’t pay it, we’re more than happy to fight them in court for it!

Independent Injury Lawyers

Did you know that a lot of the big names in claiming on the net and on the TV are nothing more than Claims Management Companies and Accident Advice services that simply direct your claim to a law firm for a referral fee? That’s right – they’re just middle men who take a fee which is either paid by you or comes out of the running costs of your claim; leaving you with a solicitor with less money to spend on the service they provide you.

They take your details, refer your claim to a solicitor, and they receive up to £1,000.00 for doing so, and then leave you with a potentially cash strapped solicitor who has wasted their budget on buying your details! There is a huge market for this out there.

Luckily it’s being made illegal next year; but until then, watch out – make sure you deal with lawyers directly. Cut out the middle men and come straight to the source. All our clients come to us directly for our sterling reputation – not because we are paying some sharp suited wise guys money to buy your personal information!

We are an independent firm of lawyers – one firm, not a group of firms or anything like that. We are fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, and it’s us that advise you about your claim now, and it’s us that actually deal with it!

We’re totally independent – so we’re not mixed up with insurers or claims companies in the soon to be made illegal practice of claims referrals.

Maximum 100% Compensation – Guaranteed!

I’ve already told you that we are specialist injury only lawyer – so whichever of my colleagues’ deals with your claim, they are specialist expert personal injury lawyers with years of experience in fighting for compensation for accident victims.

If you take your claim on, you will receive 100% of your payout because we will recover our legal fees directly from the other side. We even have our very own unique Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement that actually promises to write off any legal fees we cannot recover from the other side. Essentially, our legal fees are limited to whatever the other side pays us. Again, most law firms don’t do that – so there is always the risk you can still be charged.

So now that I’ve given you an outline of how we excel ourselves above the rest out there, how can we prove to you that we live up to what we say we do? Well, as a start, have a look at some of our Client Testimonials ( They’re just a small spread of what our clients have to say about us. You can see that we live up to our name and our promises.

So, what’s next? Give our free claims helpline a call on 0800 634 75 75 and let us prove to you how friendly and efficient we are. Feel free to compare what we say and how we do things to other firms you speak with – we’re sure you’ll find us the best!

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