Chemical Spill Claims

Chemicals can be inherently dangerous to all of us. One of the world’s most famous industrial disasters occurred in Bhopal, India in 1984. In this disaster toxic gas leaked from a pesticide plant and the actual number of resulting deaths is disputed.

Government figures state that around 3,700 people died as a result of the incident, although some estimates claim that as many as 8,000 people have died since as a result of the toxic gas. This alone is an example of just how dangerous chemicals can be.

A chemical accident refers to an event resulting in the release of a substance or substances that are harmful to our health and or to the environment. Such events include explosions, leakages or the release of toxic materials that can cause illness, injury and death.

The potential effect of chemical spills is enormous and therefore strict rules should be in place for handling and storing such materials. When dealing with such potentially harmful substances there is a need for extreme caution. We have all seen the caution markers on potentially harmful chemicals. Such markers are essential as often chemicals can look like a drink for example. Therefore it is essential that the packaging warns people that the substance is potentially harmful if consumed or if on the skin etc.

Chemical spills can occur at various locations. A chemical spill could occur at the production site or from a storage tank for example. A chemical spill could occur during transportation between laboratories etc.

When chemical spills happen the potential effect is huge. Correct chemical safety labeling is a fundamental factor to workplace safety. This labeling should identify the potential hazard whether it is to skin, to eyes etc. Clear labeling is fundamental in identifying the potential hazard.

When working with chemicals appropriate personal protective clothing should be provided and worn. The type of protective clothing or equipment required would depend on the nature of the chemical or substance. Such clothing should be tested to ensure that it is suitable. If you have sustained injury or illness as a result of coming into contact with harmful chemical substances then you may be entitled to make a claim.

A more recent example that was covered in the news was the Fukushima disaster in Japan. This involved a disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant which followed an earthquake and a tsunami. Although these disasters were “natural disasters” a report into the Fukushima disaster reported that it should have been foreseen. The disaster at Fukushima was described as a manmade disaster. This took place on the 11th March 2011. Although the plant was hit by natural disasters the key safety systems failed causing an explosion and the release of radiation.

If you have sustained injury or illness as a result of a chemical spill then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Here at The Injury lawyers we deal with all types of personal injury claims. Do not hesitate to call us today to discuss a potential claim on 0800 634 75 75.

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