Motorcycle Claims

With the ever increasing number of vehicles on the roads, the most vulnerable road users are more and more at risk. Some of the most vulnerable are probably motorcyclists, and often, when involved in a road traffic accident, their injuries can often be serious and very painful.

It is important to remember that compensation should be sought not just for personal injury, but also for related losses.

We are aware that riding a motorcycle is an expensive form of transport, and accidents could result in damage to the rider, the motorcycle itself, and the rider’s safety equipment, such as Helmets, which should always be replaced if they are damaged in an accident, and leathers, which are often invaluable in providing protection against additional injuries which could be incurred in an accident.

We will always ensure that your claim for compensation includes all losses which are directly related to your accident, to recover the correct amount of compensation for you.

Common accident scenarios for Motorcyclists include not only incidents due to the negligence of other road users, such as drivers not paying due attention or giving reasonable consideration to motorcycles, but can also be as a result of a breach by the Highways Agency of their statutory duties imposed under the Highways Act 1980. These duties include a general obligation to ensure road surfaces are maintained and repaired to a reasonable standard, and to ensure that road users are not endangered by snow and ice.

Common types of injury that we deal with for injured motorcyclists include head injuries, which can range from relatively slight to major and serious, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, mood swings, concentration problems, balance and co-ordination, long and short term memory loss and speech difficulties.

Other injuries we deal with regularly are spinal chord injuries, neck and cervical, thoratic and lumbar spine injuries of all levels, as well as other broken bones, soft tissue injuries, cuts, grazing and scarring. Very often, injured motorcyclists will have multiple injuries, which can require private medical care and treatment. We can often arrange this to help you get your recovery under way as soon as possible and where possible enable you to get back to your pre accident level of passion for riding.

The levels of compensation available vary widely, depending on your own personal injuries and suffering. We can instruct the right medically qualified experts to produce evidence in support of your injuries, compile the details of your other losses resulting from an accident and ensure that you recover the right level of compensation for your particular injury. No two injuries are the same and all compensation awards are entirely individual.

We are a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers with experience in dealing with serious and complex injuries. For professional advice and personal service, call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 to discuss your options for making a claim.

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