Private Sector Accident Claims

A large chunk of the population work in the private sector and it is arguably one of the most thriving sectors at the moment in these dark economic times with the government encouraging employment growth. We depend upon private sector workers in our everyday life- however like any other type of employment accidents unfortunately do occur and therefore you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Accidents in the private sector could be arguably more common as the duty to impost health and safety in the workplace is left solely to the employer who may chose to run things inadequately.

We all rely on our jobs heavily- they give us our wage which consequently allows us to live comfortably and of course splash out on some treats every now and again. Therefore being involved in an accident which consequently leaves you unable to work can cause much more than financial worry and therefore here at The Injury Lawyers we fight to not only get you the compensation you deserve but also to recover any losses and help with any psychological injury.

So why should you choose us to run your accident at work claim? We know that there is large competition out there and know that many people who wish to make a claim want to ensure that they choose the right lawyer – someone who is bothered about them and getting them what they deserve. Unfortunately, there are some dangers out there to avoid when you are looking for someone to represent you!


CMC’S unfortunately plague the personal injury arena. What these companies do is refer you across to a solicitor. Now the best way to describe how daft this process is, is to compare it to car buying. So here it goes: If you were looking for a new car would you willingly hand your details across to a complete stranger, who then would buy your car for you without you even checking it? I imagine not – so why would you do this with your claim?

With the car do you know if the engine is decent? Is it the colour you want? Is it the make and model you wanted? With your claim will the solicitor have high service levels? Are they specialists in personal injury? Do they have good client testimonials? Are they even that good?  And don’t forget – the claims management company as the middlemen will be taking a fee for find a lawyer for you. That means they have less money to spend on that random car they’re going to buy for you (referring to the comparison).

Hopefully I have made my point. It is always better to seek your own personal injury solicitor who you can investigate and make sure they are the ones YOU want to run your case not some middle man. So in answer to all the questions above;

  • We pride ourselves on our service levels – we are completely customer focused and have spent the majority of time making sure we stand out in this area. We contact our clients every 14 days, action all correspondence the same day or within 24 hours and all our employees are legally trained so if you need an answer there is always someone able to help.
  • We only deal with personal injury claims – no other area of law which means we know the area inside out. We know the right amount of compensation you should be getting.
  • We have excellent client testimonials which you can see on this website- proving that we truly do care about your claim.

And… are we that good? I’ll leave you to decide that from the information above…

Or check out our Client Testimonials page.

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