3 Months off Work with Whiplash

With a whiplash injury, you can often be left with limited movement which means that a lot of the time you have to have time off work. This is usually a few weeks until the acute stage of your injury has settled down.

However, for some, the whiplash injury can be more serious and result in a long time off work. Whiplash injuries vary from mild, to moderate, and severe; and they can affect people in very different ways.

Most whiplash sufferers are able to manage to go to work after a couple of weeks though the use of painkillers, heat rubs and heat pads etc but some are left debilitated and will need therapy, injections and sometimes even surgery in order to help them on their way to recovery. Therefore a longer period of time away from work is necessary.

An extended amount of time off work can affect you both financially and emotionally. The financial part is obvious. Your are more than likely to be getting only Statutory Sick Pay and therefore can be struggling to pay bills and make ends meet. This can cause stress and anxiety – i.e. the emotional effects.

However if you are making a claim for personal injury, and I hope you will be if you have been off work for 3 months as this indicates quite a serious whiplash injury, then the earnings you have lost as a result of being off work can be included within your claim and recovered separately to any monies received for your actual injury.

This is because there are two types of compensation awarded in a claim for personal injury. General damages are what we will recover for your actual injury and special damages are what are recovered for any other loss incurred as a result of the accident.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we can look to help you get on the road to recovery as soon as possible and this can sometimes help in cutting down the losses which may be incurred from your time off work. We can look to get an interim payment, which is a part payment early before the claim settled, to help you out financially when you need it the most. Many law firms don’t bother with such things; but we do!

You often need physiotherapy treatment to help their recovery and this can aid in getting you back to work as soon as possible. There is obviously a waiting list on the NHS for this treatment and some clients have been waiting up to 12 weeks for the treatment and therefore this has, in some cases, resulted in a lot of time off work.

However we can arrange this treatment from day one.

So, if you have suffered from a whiplash injury which has resulted in a long period of time off work and you are looking to be compensated for this, please call our claims line for advice on your circumstances.

Our Claims Line number is: 0800 634 75 75

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