Quickest Injury Lawyers

Pursuing a claim for compensation is a big decision and is one that in a lot of circumstances is a necessity to cover any losses and of course help with any future inconvenience. Therefore when you are looking for an Injury Lawyer, you want one that will ensure your claim is run efficiently and brought to a successful conclusion as quickly as possible.

The first step to ensuring that this will happen is to instruct your own solicitor directly. This cuts out any middle men such as claims management companies and claims farmers who will simply gather your details, and hold on to them before referring them to a solicitor. This solicitor may then take time to process the claim and contact you and so on and so forth. As you can see this is a lengthy process and one that can simply be completely avoided by contacting a solicitor direct. Here at the Injury Lawyers, we can get your claim moving the exact same day. We simply gather all the information we need and get things moving- it really is that simple.

Of course, there are certain time periods that unfortunately we cannot change. These are:

  1. Road Traffic Accidents – Once a claim is submitted the third party has 15 working days to respond.
  2. All other personal injury claims– Once submitted the third party has 21 days to acknowledge receipt (and pass to their insurers) and 3 months to investigate and respond.
  3. Accident abroad– The protocol is doubled as essentially everything is being done long distance so here they have 42 days to acknowledge and 6 months to investigate.

Of course, these are the “standard” times and may alter in different circumstances and therefore it is always advisable to ask your solicitor the protocol which your claim will be dealt under.

So what can we do to speed things up in the meantime?

Here at the Injury lawyers we are able to do several things to try resolve the case quicker than most. As we are a genuine law firm, we can also look to chase the third party if they do not comply with the protocols more often than if you have been allocated your solicitors through insurance etc. This is because these solicitors pay referral fees to the claims farmer and therefore have little left to run the case- they simply cannot afford to chase as often.

So if you are looking for a specialist personal injury lawyer to get your case moving as quick as possible look no further! We only specialise in personal injury and therefore don’t have to mess around “checking” things (Wasting time!) we have extensive knowledge- something that always speeds any process up!

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