Roll cage accident claims for compensation

Many people, particular in supermarkets and warehouses, use roll cages. It’s an everyday piece of equipment needed for moving stock around the premises – so they’re pretty useful! Having worked with them in the past, they don’t half get battered around sometimes! In fact, we see a lot of claims for compensation caused by roll cages at work.

The common circumstances are:

  • Shelves or parts of the roll cage collapse during use, causing stock or a part of the cage to hit you.
  • The cage suddenly stops or brakes due to the wheels being defective
  • The cage splits apart due to the couplings not being attached properly
  • A colleague hits you with a roll cage by mistake
  • The roll cage is too heavy to manoeuvre causing you to lose control of it on a steep surface, or injure yourself trying to move it

If any of this has happened to you, it’s likely we can help you make a work accident claim. The roll cage is classed as work equipment, and under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment rules, defective work equipment can result in your employers being strictly liable to compensate you. This means that irrelevant of whether they could have done anything to prevent the accident, being injured by defective work equipment leaves them liable for a potential claim!

However, if it is your own fault, it could prove hard to claim of course. If you, for example, didn’t put a cage back together properly, then it could be hard to win a claim. But if we can prove that ultimately the cage is defective, we have a good chance of making a successful claim for compensation.

Your employer has a legal duty to have a policy of employer’s liability insurance. It is your human right to make a claim from the insurance, and you are totally protected by law for making a claim.

The only thing you need to do is call us 0800 634 7575 today for advice as to whether you have a successful claim after suffering injury in a roll cage accident.

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