A Major Workplace Accident Compensation Claim

Here at The Injury Lawyers we deal with all types of personal injury claims. We deal with many workplace accident claims which are often referred to simply as accident at work claims. Such claims can include a wide range of accidents and injuries depending on the nature of the work in question. Although many procedures and health and safety measures should, and are often are in place, accidents at work remain one of the most common types of personal injury claims.

Serious accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences must be reported in accordance with RIDDOR (which stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). Under RIDDOR an employer, the self-employed, or those in control of work premises must report any of the following:

  • A death;
  • A major injury;
  • An over 3 day injury – when an employee or self employed person sustains injury and is unable to work for over three days;
  • A work related disease (i.e. dermatitis, asbestosis, asthma etc);
  • A dangerous occurrence;
  • Where a member of the public is taken directly to hospital.

A dangerous occurrence could be a wide range of things including explosions, collapsing buildings, fires, the accidental release of dangerous chemicals etc. If you sustain injury at work then it is likely that you have a genuine claim for compensation. People are often reluctant to claim against their employer and this is understandable. However if you have been injured at work and it was not your fault, it is your right to claim compensation.

If you have been involved in a major workplace accident then it is likely that you would have to take time off work while you recover. Looking at the worst case scenario, you may not be able to work ever again, or maybe restricted in the types of job you can do. Even if you just required a couple of days off work, you can seek to recover for lost earnings. In personal injury claims you can seek to recover General Damages which is compensation for the injury and you can seek to recover Special Damages which is compensation for any losses incurred as a result of the accident. Special Damages cover things like loss of earnings, medical expenses, travel expenses, care and assistance expenses etc. Accidents at work can seriously affect people’s lives and your employer is under a duty to keep you safe and to protect you from harm.

Despite all the health and safety regulations these days, some jobs are more dangerous than others. Employers can protect workers by providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The PPE required depends on the hazards that you are potentially exposed to. Major workplace accidents can have serious consequences. These consequences could affect the public, employers and the planet. We have all heard of the BP Oil Disaster and the Fukushima Power Plant Disaster in recent times. Such major disasters could lead to numerous personal injury claims.

If you have suffered a serious injury due to an accident at work, get in touch with our expert claims team who can get the ball rolling for the claim on the day you call up, and immediately organise a home visit at your convenience, and arrange for any private medical care we can. Call us up on 0800 634 75 75 and leave the hassle and fuss of claiming to us!

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