Recovering after a Road Traffic Accident with Private Medical Care

Normally you will end up suffering with whiplash after a road traffic accident; unless it was serious and caused you multiple bodily injuries. For the purpose of this article I’m going to stick with whiplash.

Some people are lucky and their whiplash symptoms will completely resolve after a few days. For others, you could be suffering for weeks, months, or even years. There is no miracle cure for whiplash – the pain and symptoms can be managed with pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication, but sometimes it takes more than just a few pills to recover from this sort of injury. That’s where we come in!

We offer the whole package for a whiplash claim – we will settle your claim for the highest amount, and we will deal with your vehicle hire and repair needs, and private medical care as well. We can arrange private treatment to help you recover from your injuries at a much faster rate. This is great for you for two reasons – first you get to recover quicker, and secondly you kind of have to take treatment if it’s needed or offered as you have a duty to mitigate your losses. That means you must do all you can to recover as quickly as you can rather than just suffering on and on needlessly.

We offer you, right from the very start of the claim, private rehabilitation that is funded by the other side. Because of this duty you have to mitigate your losses, the other side (i.e. the insurers) in turn have a duty to fund any treatment that is going to aid your recovery. Normally you will have a lengthy wait for treatment on the NHS that could span up to three months or more. This is no good when you are suffering and need treatment right away – so we get it sorted because it’s quicker!

If the claim wins then any justifiable treatment can be charged to the other insurers. If the claim doesn’t win, then our medical partners will get the treatment funded by a separate policy of insurance. As long as the prospects of your case are good enough, they will organise the funding of the treatment so you don’t pay anything out of your pocket and the fees can then be added on to your claim at the end or covered by the insurance.

I’ve had physiotherapy with my claim funded through this agreement, and honestly, it was a great help. The physio did a good job and she was only 10 minutes on foot from where I live, so it was nice and convenient as well.

So if you want to make a claim for personal injury compensation and recover as quickly from the injuries as possible, give us a call today on our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 for free advice about what we can do for you.

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