Do I have to go to Hospital to make a Compensation Claim?

This is a fairly common question that is asked of our expert claims team here at The Injury Lawyers. The answer is no; you don’t HAVE to go to hospital if you don’t need to.

It is highly recommended that you see some form of medical expert. You don’t have to go to hospital if you can see your GP for an appointment instead. As long as you have some form of medical attention which leads to your medical records being updated with information about the injuries you have sustained and how they were caused, you should be fine.

The reason you need medical attention is that we will later value your claim for compensation based on medical evidence from a report we will obtain from a suitable expert. It is a great help to the expert to see your medical records to show that you sought help after sustaining the injuries. They can use this as part of the report.

Turning back to the question of the article, the point I’m making is that you don’t have to be admitted to hospital or visit A+E if you can nip to your doctors just as easily. With minor strains, bruises, and cuts, it is far more likely you will be referred to your GP or a walk in centre as oppose to A+E if it is not a medical emergency. Obviously if you may be seriously hurt, always go to hospital or call the emergency services if necessary. They should be able to confirm if you need to stay in hospital or not.

For help and advice about whether you have a potential claim for personal injury compensation, call our dedicated claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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