Nursing Care Claim Lawyers

In recent years, the number of horror stories about the quality of nursing home and nursing care workers has been explosive. I’ve seen loads of TV programs and read loads of articles about nursing care staff who just don’t seem to care at all about the patients, and even staff stealing and mistreating those in need of the care.

It’s a scary thought – especially for anyone with friends or relatives in a care home.

As a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we deal with all sorts of different claims for compensation. We represent victims for compensation against the NHS or private care homes if the care provided is inadequate or negligent. Common examples are failing to properly care for people, such as neglecting basic food, water, and sanitation needs, which can cause a range of health complications to already vulnerable people. Another example could be failing to properly medicate residents, which could lead to existing health problems getting worse.

When it comes to the more physical injuries, vulnerable residents, in particular the elderly, need to be treated with more care as they are often more prone to injury. If care staff need to move a vulnerable patient, they must make sure to do so without causing any physical injuries. Failing to take adequate care in this regard is also another common example of claims for compensation arising out of poor or negligent care in nursing homes.

The big question is what are your rights when it comes to making a claim for inadequate or negligent care? I will assume that if you are reading this, you are a family friend or relative of the person who has been mistreated. Give us a call on our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 to discuss the options and actions we can take. If the care home is operated by the NHS, there is the NHS Litigation Authority to make the claim from. If it’s private, there should be insurance to claim from.

We can organise authority for you to deal with the claim on behalf of the victim.

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