Facial Surgery Compensation Lawyers

There are several different procedures that are covered by the term “facial surgery” and this area of the body is one of the most common areas for people to undergo cosmetic surgery. Procedures can include:

  • Eyelid surgery
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Forehead lifts
  • Face lifts
  • Skin peels- including the current celebrity favourite the “Vampire Facial” recently demonstrated by Kim Kardashian on her TV show.

All of these procedures are designed to give people that everlasting youthful look by manipulating and changing the features of the face to try and reach desired “perfection”. However, given that facial surgery is so common and involves a very exposed area of the body, when something goes wrong the affects can be utterly devastating.

Some of the most common problems caused by these procedures are as follows:

Eyelid Surgery Problems

The eyes are of course an incredibly important organ and along with this are incredibly sensitive so any surgery carries with it inherent risks. Ptosis is something that can be caused by surgery to the eyelids and results in sagging and drooping – the exact opposite of what you may have desired and may require another surgical procedure to be corrected. Excessive bleeding is also common when surgery is performed on this area of the face. Now of course, bleeding is expected, but if you feel that this becomes “excessive” you must seek medical attention as this can lead to potential blindness.

Cheek Augmentation Problems

This is a fairly “modern” procedure with many wanting to undergo such a treatment to get the voluptuous cheeks of the rich and famous- of course it can also help reduce wrinkles and detract years off your age. Infection and swelling of cheek implants caused by aggressive or “unsafe” surgery can occur leading to excruciating “toothache” like pain. This is because the implant is causing pressure on the bone over your sinuses where the roots of your teeth are located. This can also be caused by the implant being too large for your face – something that may have been overlooked by your surgeon.

Facelifts & Skin Surgery Problems

Arguably the “piece de resistance” of facial surgery, the facelift has been around much longer than any of the above – with many women over the years wishing to turn back the clock using a facelift procedure. However, although the most common, it can also result in the most painful and devastating consequences! (I think we can all name a few celebrities who would agree).

One of the major effects a facelift can cause is nerve damage and numbness in the face. Specific examples being:

  • Bell’s Palsy – which is caused by a dysfunction of the cranial/facial nerve. It can cause drooping, drooling and speech problems. This can be caused by an injection being “put in the wrong place” or the skin being pulled too tight and causing a type of “crushing” on the nerves.
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia – This is severe nerve pain causing “shooting” pains up a person’s face. These can be short lived and therefore may only be a “temporary injury”.

Other injuries that can be caused are Eczema and Psonasis which although are not as “major” as the above can of course require further treatment, just like the above, and consequently lead to further expense and of course further pain and injury.

Compensation for facial surgery gone wrong includes any claim for pain and suffering and this can include the psychological aspect  -although this has to be a diagnosed recognised illness.

For advice and representation, contact us today on 0800 634 7575 to discuss whether you can make a claim for facial surgery negligence.

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