Botox Compensation Claim Lawyers

Botox is an incredibly popular treatment; however it is also highly unregulated. Over the years, as the popularity of this procedure has grown, so has the call from many qualified surgeons for the regulation to grow with it. This is not surprising when you can go into your local hairdresser and have Botox – something that unquestionably worries those qualified who knows all the risks.

So what can happen when Botox is negligently administered? Please be aware that this blog focuses on conditions that arise out of negligence of the surgeon/doctor etc. Every cosmetic surgery procedure carries with it inherent risks and therefore it is imperative to distinguish between inherent risks and those caused by negligence as inherent risks are normally something that you simply accept when you sign any agreement (usually).

Botulinum toxin is a toxin that in large amounts can cause paralysis – of course in small amounts it has proven to correct those “laughter lines” as it relaxes the skin. A common misconception with Botox is that it tightens but this is not true- it relaxes the skin making it appear softer and consequently wrinkles less noticeable.

Botulism is one of the most life threatening conditions that can arise from negligent administration of the above toxin. It occurs when more than the recommended dose of toxin is used. This condition can cause major health affects including; double vision, drooping eyelids and even loss of bladder control (As of course it is a paralysing toxin as mentioned above).

You may also be allergic to Botox, and therefore this should always be considered by your physician. This can cause breathing and speech difficulties as the toxin takes effect much in the same way as that above.

The outcome sought when a person undergoes Botox treatment is of course far from that that comes from negligent treatment. Here at the Injury Lawyers we understand that people do not undertake these procedures lightly, and never expect (nor should you be expected to!) such adverse effects on their help such as those listed above.

More operations, loss of earnings, care and assistance and emotional suffering are all things that we can look to recover as part of your compensation claim. We understand that such negligence can have knock on effects on every part of your life- and why should you suffer?

If you feel you have suffered due to negligent Botox administration contact us today to discuss your options further.

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