Work Accidents for Slips, Trips and Falls

There are numerous workplace regulations that employers must abide by. They are important, and they are there to prevent employees from being injured in the workplace. An employer must do all they reasonably can to prevent an employee from slipping, tripping, or falling in the workplace. This is covered by the Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992.

These important regulations stipulate that all traffic routes in the workplace should be free of any articles or substances that could cause a slip, trip, or fall accident. So liquid should not be allowed to accumulate on the floor, and items such as boxes should be allowed to be left on the floor either. Employers should have inspection and maintenance regimes that can prevent as much as possible something from becoming a hazard on the floor. Policies should be in place to train and instruct employees not to inadvertently create a hazard by, for example, leaving boxes in a traffic route in a warehouse.

If you slip, trip, or fall due to a hazard in the workplace, whether you have a claim for compensation boils down to whether your employer has taken all reasonable steps to make traffic routes in the workplace safe. You do not necessarily have a guaranteed claim as a rule of thumb; if your employer has a good enough inspection regime, they could defend a claim on that basis. On the other hand, using the example mentioned above about boxes in a warehouse, if they have a good system of inspection but fail to have a proper procedure for designated traffic routes or designated areas where boxes should go, we could allege their workplace systems are not good enough.

Given that there are so many rules and regulations in place, our job to fight for your claim is to assess what regulations we believe they have breached. As long as we can prove a breach of regulations, we may be able to win the claim for you. Your employer has a legal duty to have a policy of employer’s liability insurance that is there for employees to claim from when they are injured at work. If you need to make a claim for injury and loss, you are protected by law when making a claim. Nowadays most employers encourage people to make a claim – it’s nothing personal, it’s just claiming back the money you are owed from the insurance that is there to clover you for accident and injuries.

Call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 for expert advice today.

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