Injury Lawyers Advice for Claiming an Accident at Work

If you have had an accident at work, what are the ins and outs of making a claim? Do you have the right to make a claim? Are you worried about what your employers will say if you make a claim? Will you have to pay to make a claim? Here’s some general advice about all three of those very common issues.

Do You have a Claim?

There are loads of workplace regulations. If you have been injured because one of these important regulations has been breached, you may well have a claim for compensation. Your employer has a very important duty of care to look after your health in the workplace. If you are injured through no fault of you own, we may be able to help you make a claim for compensation.

So to find out if you have a claim, you will need to call us on our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75.

How Will Claiming Affect me at Work?

It shouldn’t affect you at all – it is your legal right to make a work injury claim for compensation.

Your employer has a legal obligation to have a policy of employer’s liability insurance. This insurance exists for the sole purpose of making a claim from. Its money right there that is for you to claim from; it’s rightfully yours!

Most employers nowadays encourage their employees to instruct the injury lawyers and get a case started.

You cannot be treated any differently or dismissed for making a claim. You are protected by law, and the insurers for your employer would be extremely angry if your employer did do something because you made a claim. If they had an employment claim on their hands, they’d be liable for more money! You really needn’t worry nowadays – most businesses have been sued countless times.

Is it Free to Claim?

Technically, no – we do have legal fees that pay for the work we do. But most of them are recoverable from your employers insurance. Recent legal changes mean that most lawyers are now charging clients up to 25%. But for the time being, we are still offering 100% compensation claims – read here for more info

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