How much whiplash compensation will I get?

£1,000? £3,000? £10,000? £50,000? – it’s not a very easy question to answer on the face value of things.

The way your claim is valued is by a suitable expert providing a medico-legal report which is then used to value the claim in line with official Judicial Council guidelines and the experience of your lawyer. The severity and longevity of your whiplash injury usually dictates the valuation of the claim.

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you.

I can tell you that the average minor whiplash claim settles for around £2,500, and most people will fall within the minor whiplash category. The official brackets are roughly £1,000 to £5,000.

You are not only entitled to compensation for the whiplash injury itself, but you are also entitled to recover any reasonable losses that have been incurred as a result of the accident or injury. These can include:

  • Lost earnings from time off work. We use your wage slips (pr accounts details if you are self employed) to work out the loss.
  • Treatment and medical expenses – although we can normally sort out on private physiotherapy and get it funded by the other side without you needing to pay anything upfront anyway. So hopefully there shouldn’t be any expenses.
  • Travel expenses to and from appointments.
  • Care and assistance for help received by family and friends – even if they haven’t charged you for their time (which I’m sure they haven’t!)

The injury claim is referred to as General Damages, and the losses claim is referred to as Special Damages. Combined, you receive Global damages which forms the entirety of your compensation claim.

To make sure you get the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to receive, give us a call as our specialist injury team are used to dealing with whiplash compensation claims on a daily basis, and we always fight tooth and nail for the highest payout possible!

Our free claims helpline number is 0800 634 75 75.

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