100 Percent Compensation Solicitors

Since legal reforms came in to place on April 1st of this year, the whole personal injury legal system has been shaken to the core with most law firms now charging clients up to 25% of their compensation and asking them to pay for an insurance premium after our genius government changed the law so lawyers can no longer recover all fees from the other side.

Before April, we had, in my opinion, a nice and fair system – you make a claim for negligence, and the other side pays for your legal fees because it’s not your fault that you were injured and it’s not your fault you need to make a claim as a result. But our current government, in all of their infinite wisdom, essentially decided that victims should pay. That’s why lawyers can no longer recover a Success Fee, which is a part of our fees that help us to fund the risk of taking cases on on a No Win, No Fee basis, and an After The Event insurance premium which is for insurance to protect you against costs from the other side or from having to pay unrecoverable disbursements.

So, lawyers now have to charge this to clients. Although the phrase “have to” is actually not strictly true. Just because we cannot recover all of our legal fees from the other side doesn’t mean we have to charge you. We still get paid for the work we do, it’s just that we don’t get as much as we did before. So rather than the law firm taking a hit, lawyers are making the clients take the hit by charging them.

But our Principal Solicitor dared to be different once again – as we always have done! For some claims like work accidents, product liability claims, highways act claims, or occupiers claims (like a supermarket slip), we can still offer you the chance to keep all 100% of your compensation.

Some lawyers are calling us liars. Some are saying that it cannot be done, and there must be a catch. Some are saying its illegal! The latter is ridiculous as it hasn’t become illegal to not charge a client the success fee! But a lot of other law firms will mislead people by misunderstanding changes in the law and saying daft things like the above.

Simply speaking, we have decided to take the hit instead of our clients. We are therefore receiving less money for claims to allow our clients to keep all 100% of their payout. It really is as simple as that.

So how can we to do this, whereas other law firms can’t? Well I think it’s more to do with the fact that other law firms won’t, as oppose to can’t. But we only represent victims for compensation claims so we have a very specialised and bespoke way of working, and our clients have only ever come to us directly. We have never paid other companies for cases, whereas a lot of other law firms have wasted millions on buying cases from insurers or claims management companies.

So give us a call to find out if you can keep 100% of your compensation, and take a look at our webpage that goes in to more details about how it works www.theinjurylawyers.co.uk/100-percent-compensation-4u.

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