Cosmetic Negligence Claims

Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular as the industry has shifted and now caters for everyone and not just the rich and the famous. Prices seem quite steep from what I’ve seen, but they are far from unaffordable if you want the look of your dreams.

But the big question that many people ask is this – how safe is cosmetic surgery?

Any surgery, particularly invasive surgery, carries numerous potential side effects and risks. Risks of infection are probably the most common ones, and infections alone can lead to all sorts of complications. But inherent risks aside, how safe is it when you put your life and body in the hands of a surgeon for money? How qualified are they to do the procedure?

You would expect with the amount of money you are paying that the procedure is safe and that you are in the best of hands. But we take on a fairly high volume of cosmetic negligence claims when things have gone wrong. Mistakes from surgeons, failure to warn of certain risks, or people being misadvised about options are common ones. And what about the safety of implants and medical devices like breast implants? Many of you are probably aware about the PIP implants that contained industrial grade silicon instead of the proper medical grade, and they’re more liable to rupture.

The industry is seemingly under regulated, which doesn’t fill people with confidence. We are currently representing a large proportion of the PIP clients fighting the clinics for compensation.

So what can you do if you suffer as a result of cosmetic negligence? Are you entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation?

Each individual case is different so you should call our expert team on 0800 634 75 75 for advice today. Don’t be afraid to ask! We are here to help and we will try and assist you with a case where we can.

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