Part Time Work Accidents, Can I Still Claim?

A lot of people know their rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation for an accident at work. But some people are a little unsure about their rights if they work part time. Do you still have the same rights as a part time worker or casual worker?

The short answer is yes – you, as a part time employee of the employer, are still covered by all of the workplace regulations that cover full time employees as well. The regulations are there for anyone who works directly for the employer. Even if you work just one day a week, there is the same duty on your employer to make sure that you are not injured at work. The same duty at work applies.

So now you know you are covered, the next big question on your lips might be this – if you are a casual worker or under no proper contract, can they get rid of you for making a claim for personal injury compensation?

The short answer again is no, because being fired as a result of making a claim could lead you to have an employer’s case for unfair dismissal. Whilst we specialise in personal injury claim for accidents at work we do not deal with employment law issues, so our advice on this is fairly limited.

But the general thing as I said before is that getting sacked for making a claim could land the employer in very hot water.

When it comes to thinking about making a claim for an accident or injury at work, the right mindset to have is this – your employer has a duty to have a policy of employer’s liability insurance, and this insurance exists for the sole purpose of making a claim from it. It’s there to use, so don’t be worried about making a claim. It’s nothing personal – you are entitled to claim when you are at a loss so go for it!

Most large companies have been sued hundreds, if not, thousands of times, so it’s a perfectly natural and normal process.

Like with any accident it is best that you seek legal advice before looking to pursue a possible injury claim. Give our claims team a call on 0800 634 7575 for free, expert advice on making a claim for compensation.

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