Gym Accident Compensation Advice

These accidents commonly fall within the scope of Occupier’s liability claims. What this means is that the occupier of a premises has a duty to you to ensure you are safe whilst on their premises and if this does not happen they may have breached their duty and therefore you may be entitled to compensation.

Injuries sustained in a gym are usually as a result of defective equipment – as it is incredibly unlikely that you are going to be able to claim for picking up a weight that is too heavy for you or running too much on a treadmill; you have to show that someone else has been negligent and but for this negligence you would not have sustained an injury.

Some common examples of defective equipment in gyms can include;

  • Weight wires – these may snap causing the weights to fall and consequently cause you an injury.
  • Emergency stop buttons do not work or are not even provided.
  • Equipment is broken/ snapped (sharp plastic sticking out for example)

All these things are clearly signs of negligence as something has been left that could have and should have been fixed. It is likely that you will be able to make a claim against the gym as they are the ones that are responsible for keeping the gym in good working order.

Another example of gym claims can be as result of a lack of training – this is the main reason that gyms either have compulsory inductions or make you sign something to say that you did not wish to undergo the training. Also, if you are lucky enough to have a personal trainer, if this persons has made you do something that you clearly would not be able to d o- and you have therefore sustained an injury

Gym claims and occupier claims in general can be difficult as if the gym can show they have taken all reasonable steps to secure your safety they may have a very good defence to your claim. However, it is always advisable to speak with a personal injury specialist who can assess whether negligence has taken place and whether your claim can be investigated.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we work on a genuine no win no fee and for these types of accidents we may be able to offer you 100% of your compensation (even in light of the recent changes in government legislation) so contact us today for free no obligation advice.

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