100% Compensation for Slips and Trips!

April saw the biggest shakeup in the personal injury claiming world when the government in their absolute and infinite wisdom decided to attack access to justice by making certain things unrecoverable from the other side. The result is that most other law firms are now charging clients a huge percentage of their compensation if the claim succeeds.

In addition to this, most slip and trip accident claims that occur on or after 31st July 2013 will be pursued under a new protocol which is similar to the one used for road accident claims. This new protocol is designed for speed and efficiency for claiming, but the government have fixed the fees at such a low rate that it again hampers the quality of legal services that other law firms can offer unless charges are made to clients.

So we are now in a situation where the innocent victims who have been injured through no fault of their own, but through the negligence of someone else, are having to pay to make a claim! The whole idea behind claiming is to put the victim back in a pre-accident position; losing money doesn’t do that.

So our boss here at The Injury Lawyers decided to take drastic action and do things differently to all the rest – the way we have always done things! Different, and better!

The titles of this blog isn’t some way of fishing you in to our website – the title of the blog is more to do with what we can do for you.

We can still offer you the opportunity to keep all 100% of your compensation claim!

Unlike the other law firms out there who are charging the standard 25%, which has settled as a kind of market rate because this is the maximum a lawyer can charge a client for something called a Success Fee which is no longer recoverable, and unlike most other law firms who are also asking for an After The Event insurance premium which is also unrecoverable, we’re not!

The big question I imagine that is on your lips is this – how on earth can we do this when other law firms can’t? What’s the secret? What’s the trick? Where’s the catch?

Okay, first things first – it’s no secret, it’s not a trick, and there certainly isn’t a catch!

We can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement because, as long as you comply with the T’s & C’s:

  • We still do get paid fees by the other side – it’s just not as much as we used to now some things have become unrecoverable and fees are fixed. We take the hit, not you.
  • We charge a success fee to you of 0% – i.e. nothing.
  • We have our own way of protecting you from costs, which is something the After The Event insurance does.

So how do we do this?

  • We take on such a high volume of claims that the lower fees work just as fine for us. As a leading personal injury law firm, the sheer volume of cases we take on make it perfectly viable for us to offer a 100% agreement.
  • We’re highly efficient at what we do – so as long as you cooperate with us quickly throughout the process, the claim shouldn’t take anywhere near as long as it used to under the old system, which keeps our overheads down.
  • The unrecoverable Success Fee is a fee that is designed to reflect the risk of taking a case on. But we are so good at our jobs and so good at winning claims, we see the risk for many cases as lower than other law firms might do – because we think differently to make sure your claim is settled.
  • When it comes to the insurance, well the new legal reforms have actually significantly reduced the risk of the other side being awarded costs, which is something that the insurance is there to cover. So with the reduced risk, the need for insurance isn’t as great as it used to be!

So if you want to keep all 100% of your compensation claim, call us now on 0800 634 75 75 and let’s see if we can help you out.

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