What is a Moderate Whiplash Injury?

Whiplash is common, amounting for 76% of all bodily injury claims in the UK.  Whiplash is caused by a sudden impact or stop, which damages the tendons and ligaments in the neck, back, and shoulders. Whiplash can be caused by a sudden blow to the head or by head and shoulders suddenly being jolted forward. Whiplash is commonly suffered after Road traffic accidents.

Moderate whiplash symptoms:

  • Tenderness
  • Stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Pin and needles
  • Vulnerability  to further trauma

All whiplash needs to be assessed by a medical expert. A detailed medical report will be needed to show the extent of suffering and to assess the severity of the condition. The medical report looks into the longevity of the condition and loss of amenity you have suffered as a result of the injury. There needs to be strong medical evidence.

In the legal guidelines a moderate whiplash claim can be valued at around £5,000 to £15,000. Moderate whiplash needs to have caused stiffness, pain and discomfort for a considerable period of time. Moderate whiplash may also be severe enough to require surgery, and may result in vulnerability for further trauma.  Moderate whiplash may also exacerbate some pre-existing unrelated condition.

Our definition of a minor, moderate, or severe whiplash is entirely different to that of your GP’s or a general doctor. Our definition is drawn from the official guidelines we use to categorise and value whiplash claims. As such, if you are told you have a severe whiplash injury by your GP, don’t assume your claim will be worth of that £15,000 – most people fit in to the legal definition of a minor whiplash injury.

Call our free helpline on 0800 634 75 75. We are The Injury Lawyers and are experts in personal injury, so go ahead give us a call and let us help you with your whiplash compensation claim.

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