Unfortunately workers die every year due to being involved in accidents with site vehicles. This can and should be avoided.
Measures are generally taken such as by having a designated vehicle path which all workers are aware of. Also workers should be seen easily by wearing high visibility clothing. Reversing vehicles should be fitted with an alarm system to warn workers. Another measure includes fitting vehicles with cameras so that the driver has a clear view of the area surrounding the vehicle. Some work sites are huge and it is normal for many different firms of contractors to be working on a site at the same time. This is probably part of the problem as one firm of contractors may not be fully aware of what job the other contractors are doing and what vehicles and machinery they are using to complete the job. This makes things like a site induction essential.
Other accidents can occur when the workplace or work site is not kept clear of obstruction (as much as is practically possible). Tools and machinery left on the ground poses a tripping hazard to unsuspecting workers. This in a way comes back to organisation – there should be a designated area in which to dispose of waste, there should be planning of any deliveries coming into the site etc.
On the modern building site we are generally safer than what we used to be. However accidents continue to happen and deaths continue to occur. It may be impossible to foresee every type of accident and to take preventative action. However workers and management should continue to take every precaution possible to ensure that the site is as safe as possible. On a modern building site workers usually have PPE in the form of hard hats, high visibility vests, boots etc. This equipment definitely helps but more generally needs to be done.
If you have sustained injury at work then you may be entitled to make a claim. Do not hesitate to contact The Injury Lawyers today for free impartial advice.