How The Injury Lawyers Manage the Physiotherapy in Your Claim

Here at The Injury Lawyers we are a specialist law firm and have many years of experience in dealing with personal injury claims. If obtaining treatment and paying for consultations is worrying you, don’t worry because we are here to help!

The Importance of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is important for recovering where your muscles have been damaged, stretched or torn in an accident. Physiotherapy aims to restore the movement to your injured muscles by many different techniques. Some of these include:

  1. Movement and exercise – therapeutic exercises to strengthen the affected area
  2. Manual therapy techniques – this involved manipulating the affected area to activate soft tissues and joints
  3. Ultrasound – the high-frequency sound waves treat deep tissue injuries by increasing blood flow to energise the muscle, reduces pain and reduces muscle spasms from occurring (source)

Mitigating Loss

As part of a claim you are under a duty to mitigate your loss. In essence, this means that you have a duty to minimise your losses. In terms of general damages (damages attributing to the injury itself as opposed to special damages which are those which are incurred as a result of the accident) attending physiotherapy may amount to minimising or mitigating your loss as you are speeding up your recovery.

EXAMPLE: Someone has whiplash from a road traffic accident. The healing time is going to take approximately 10 weeks costing £300 per week for the injury. This amounts to £3,000. This could be reduced to five weeks if the person undertook physiotherapy for £100 per week for five weeks. This would amount to £300 per week for the injury and £100 per week for the physiotherapy, so £1,500 for the 5 weeks of injury + £100 for the 5 weeks of physiotherapy amounts to £2,000. This mitigates that persons loss as it minimises their healing time and minimises the amount which the other side would have to pay.

What The Injury Lawyers believe

Here at The Injury Lawyers we believe that if you need it, you should have it and we can arrange the treatment for you. You will not always have to pay for the treatment; it will be left for us to deal with the other side.

What we can do for you

Here at The Injury Lawyers we have a facility whereby we can arrange your diagnosis and treatment through our agreement with our medical partners. Not only does this mean you can avoid lengthy delays and arranging everything yourself, but we then claim the money back from the other side so you do not have to pay for anything while you await your settlement!

This could be beneficial as it would be one less worry on your mind and you can feel safe in the knowledge that it is left in our hands to sort everything out for you.


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