How to Compare Personal Injury Lawyers!

In the past, I would have written about the vast benefits of our service like regular updates, private physiotherapy, and a friendly and efficient service to try and win you over to the fact that we, in our humble opinion, are the best choice as a national personal injury law firm. But now, none of that matters to most people as it’s all about the COST. Here’s why:

April 2013

A dark month for the world of personal injury claiming when the government changed the law so lawyers cannot recover all of their legal fees from the opponent. The two things we can no longer recover are as follows:

  1. Success Fee – a percentage of our fees that we get to help fund no win, no fee claims as part of the access to justice system we have had for years in the UK.
  2. After The Event insurance premium – a premium for insurance we take out to protect a client paying costs to the opponent if something goes wrong, and also to cover unrecoverable disbursements.

As a result, law firms are now charging up to 25% from your compensation to cover the Success Fee and asking for payment of an insurance premium.

25% is the maximum a lawyer can’t take from your payout to cover the Success Fee. So you’d think that law firms will be as competitive as possible to charge as little of that maximum amount as they can, right?

Wrong! According to our research so far, the market seems to have settled on all lawyers charging the full 25%… with the exception of one!

The Injury Lawyers – proudly STILL offering 100% compensation!

For most claims like work accidents and slips and trips, we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement. So comparing the market is dead easy:

  • Some other law firm: takes 25% of your payout.
  • The Injury Lawyers: take none of your payout.

For a financial comparison, let’s say your claim is worth £10,000 :

  • Some other law firm: takes £2,500 from your settlement, leaving you with just £7,500
  • The Injury Lawyers: take nothing from your settlement, meaning you keep all £10,000 of your compensation.

Not much of a comparison now is it? Law firms have been tearing their hair out in light of these reforms as it’s now more difficult than ever to stand out from the rest. But our heads are still plush with hair because we have no need to fret – we offer a 100% agreement.

I’d be inclined to be a little bold right now and suggest that your comparison may well be over! To find out more, give us a call for a free and informal chat about what has happened and our 100% offer.

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