100% Compensation Solicitors – WHY CHOOSE US!?

Our offer of 100% compensation for you is totally genuine. Since the law change in April 2013, other lawyers are unable to offer you a 100% agreement because the government changed the law resulting in lawyers being unable to recover all of their fees from the opponent.

The two things we can’t recover, and how a lawyer charges you, are:

  • Success Fee – which can now be recovered from your compensation. A lawyer cannot deduct any more than 25% from your payout to cover this fee. The market appears to have settled on lawyers charging the max amount of 25%.
  • After The Event insurance premium – of which many lawyers are asking for payment of this upfront.

But a huge concern of ours is that many law firms are not confirming what deductions they will make on their websites, and several are not informing people when they are contacted. According to many of our clients who have come to us after dealing with other firms, they were never told of a deduction and only realised they would face one when they received the paperwork.

Many websites have neglected to update their content and are still advertising 100% compensation even though they are no longer able to offer it. That’s why we always try and address the law change whenever we inform you about our genuine 100% compensation offer.

Another concern is that some websites appear misleading when they advertise things like “100% No Win, No Fee” – a statement that doesn’t necessarily confirm you will get 100% of your compensation payout.

So take care not to get stung! Our offer is genuine and we back it up in our paperwork which easily explains it all in plain and simple English that you can retain all 100% of your personal injury compensation payout – we really wont deduct a single penny, and we’re not asking for any upfront fees either. There are no catches.

We can still offer it because we specialise in personal injury and we take on and win such a high volume of cases that we can easily afford to take the hit. We still get paid by the other side – it’s just not as much as we used to.

Why Choose US?

Other than our genuine 100% compensation offer, we have years and years of specialist experience in representing victims for personal injury compensation clams ranging from minor whiplash cases to severe life altering injuries. We also offer the following as part of a bespoke and deducted service to you:

  • A specialist personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim.
  • Regular contact – and calls are returned within 24 hours where possible.
  • Extended office opening hours – you can talk to our team 7 days a week between the hours of 9am – 10pm on weekdays and 9am – 5pm on weekends.
  • Access to your case online.
  • An easy to understand service given to you in plain English.
  • A hassle free policy – if we can do something for you, we will! (e.g. hire and repair needs sorted in a road accident case).
  • Privately funded medical care right from the start of your claim.

We have a history of satisfied clients throughout the UK, so why choose anyone else? Call us now on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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