How Much Compensation can I get for Ruptured Ankle Ligament Requiring Surgery?

Rupturing ligaments is serious, and normally requires surgery for repair or reconstruction followed by a significant period of physical rehabilitation. When making a claim for personal injury compensation, the more you suffer the more compensation we get for you. Compensation for ruptured ligaments and the severe amount of inconvenience that is caused is therefore taken very seriously.

How we value your claim

The way in which we value your claim is simple – we will organise an appointment with a medico-legal expert who will provide a report to us based on your medical records and your account of the suffering and inconvenience that has been caused. In the case of a ruptured ankle ligament, you will normally see an Orthopaedic expert and perhaps a Plastic Surgeon separately for any scarring. We use the report and our considerable wealth of experience in line with official guidelines to value your claim. This forms the General Damages part of your claim.

On top of that we are entitled to claim for Special Damages as well. This is for losses and expenses on your part. This includes things like:

  • Lost earnings from time off work – which could be considerable in a case like this.
  • Medication and treatment expenses – we can privately fund your rehabilitation and get the other side to pay for it.
  • Travel expenses to and from medical appointments.
  • Care and assistance claims from help provided by friends and family – which could form a large part of the claim as well.

Depending on how bad the injury is and how successful the surgery was, the official, guidelines value moderate to severe ankle injury claims between £9,800 to £35,750.. Where you fit on this scale is dependent on the severity and longevity of your personal suffering.

On top of the above that is just for the injury, you can claim for losses such as those mentioned above.

Making a Claim

It’s important to choose the right lawyer when pursuing a personal injury compensation claim. Most lawyers will look to deduct up to 25% from your payout due to recent legal changes, whereas we are still offering 100% compensation claims in most types of cases.

Call us now on 0800 634 75 75 for help and advice today!

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