Serious Injury Claims Injury Lawyers Advice

If you have been seriously injured through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation. If the consequences are life changing, you could be entitled to millions of pounds.

That’s why it’s important to get the right lawyer when making a claim for personal injury compensation, and it’s important to understand the importance of actually making a claim.

As our name suggests, we are The Injury Lawyers – this means we only represent victims for personal injury compensation claims, and we have a huge history of cases ranging from the minor to the life altering catastrophic injuries. So the advice in this article will hopefully give you the right guidance when looking to make your claim.

100% Compensation

Due to recent legal reforms, other lawyers are now taking up to 25% from your compensation to cover part of their fees. Even if your claim is worth £100,000, you could face losing up to £25,000 from your settlement. This is a huge amount, and could have a serious impact on your future life when using the money to live as comfortable as possible.

That’s why we offer a genuine 100% compensation agreement for serious injury claims.

There are no hidden catches or other charges to offset the fact we take no deductions from your settlement. We can do it because we still get paid by the other side for the work we do; it’s just not as much as it used to get paid. We can afford to do this because we only represent victims of personal injury claims and we take on and win a high volume of claims.

So do not get stung!

Home Visit and Interim Payments

We can come out to see you at a time, date, and location that is comfortable for you to explain how the process works, how the funding works to ensure you keep 100% of your payout, and what we can do for you.

We will pursue the other side to accept liability as early as possible and look to secure an interim payment to cover you for any losses and expenses now before the claim settles. These cases can take a long time to settle, so it’s important to help you out financially when we can before we negotiate a final settlement with the opponent.

We’re used to dealing with insurers and solicitors, so we know how to get the best results.

Your Compensation

Your compensation is normally formed in to two parts – General Damages and Special Damages.

General Damages is compensation just for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused by the injury.

Specials Damages is compensation for any losses and expenses on your part. Commonly these include:

  • Lost earnings from time off work.
  • Future lost earnings and compensation for loss in the open labour market in the event you cannot return to work at all, or you are restricted in the nature of employment you can have.
  • Travel expenses to and from appointments – keep receipts and tickets.
  • Medication and medical expenses.
  • Adaptation expenses for any home improvements.
  • Care and assistance claims for your friends and family who are helping you out (even if you are not paying them – which we assume you wouldn’t be!)

Private Medical Care

We’re happy to arrange for private medical care funding so you don’t have to wait for treatment or pay for it out of your own pocket and recover it back later. This could be anything from general physical rehabilitation to orthotic care, occupational health care, or further investigations and surgical treatment.

Get Started Now!

Given what’s at stake, its best to contact us now to get the ball rolling for a claim. Call our expert legal team on 0800 634 75 75 today. Your claim will be allocated to a serious injury solicitor in house at The Injury Lawyers.

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