Leak in Roof – Personal Injury Insurance Claim

If you are injured due to a leak in a roof, what are you rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation?

When it comes to claiming for this, there are typically three main scenarios – a leaky roof at work, in a public place like a shop or restaurant, or in your own rented accommodation. The accident is normally caused by someone slipping due to accumulated water on the ground as a result of a leak in the roof.

Your Rights – At Work

Your employer has a very important duty to look out for your wellbeing in the workplace. If there is a leak and your employer fails to take any reasonable steps to prevent an injury, they are liable. Reasonable steps could include repairs, wet floor signs, or cordons to prevent people slipping.

In this kind of scenario you normally have a fairly strong accident at work claim for personal injury compensation as we can argue your employer is in breach of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Your Rights – Public Places

This is similar to accidents in the workplace; but the law that normally applies is the Occupiers Liability Act. This imposes an important duty on whoever is in control of a premises to take all reasonable steps to ensure no one is injured on their premises.

If they fail to erect signage or cordons for example, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Your Rights – Rented Accommodation

This primarily comes down to notification. If you notify your landlord or lettings agency that there is a leak, they have a duty to resolve it or make the area safe as soon as possible. Failing to do this can make them liable for a claim.

Notification however is important. If the landlord or agency has no idea that there is a hazard, they can raise a defence that they had no knowledge of an issue.

100% Compensation

In all of the above scenarios we should be able to offer you our unique 100% compensation agreement meaning you keep every penny of what is rightfully yours. Give us a call now on 0800 634 75 75.

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