Sometimes the other side will instantly offer it to you – mainly in the case of road accidents the insurers will try and sort it out fairly quickly after the accident. So should you take it? How do you know that an offer of treatment with a third party insurer is going to be within your best interests?
There is a code of conduct in place that means that rehabilitation providers must act independently and without bias to their instructing party. But if you are still not confident, we have the ideal solution for you!
The Injury Lawyers Private Medical Care Initiative
Rather than waiting for the other side to arrange it or rather than leaving you feeling uncomfortable accepting treatment directly from the other side, we can offer it for you with our medical partners.
They will sort all of the funding out for your treatment and they will seek recovery of the fees from the other side at the end of the claim or once they have accepted liability. You don’t have to pay any upfront fees and then recover them back – it’s all arranged directly with the other side.
So the key thing to understand is that you don’t have to accept an offer of treatment from the other side because we can sort it for you.
Early Intervention Initiative
You don’t actually have to wait for the other side to accept liability before accessing our treatment either. We can ask our partners to put you on the early intervention scheme in which they will fund the treatment and then either recover the fees from the other side if the claim wins, or recover it from insurance if you lose.
How about that – you’re looking at a sort of “no win, no fee treatment”!
So don’t wait around for medical care and don’t worry about accepting treatment from the other side – we can sort it out for you.
You can contact us for free advice on 0800 634 75 75 or if you prefer you can talk to us live by using our chat facility to the right or if you haven’t got time to speak just now then why not get us to call you back by filling in the quick form below.