Injured by Faulty Gym Equipment? Some Injury Lawyers Advice!

When it comes to accidents in a gym, we may be able to help you if something has gone wrong and you are injured through the fault of the people responsible for the gym. So I’m not talking about taking too much weight and injuring yourself, or falling over when using the treadmill. I’m talking about gym equipment breaking and causing an injury.

One example: let’s say you’re using a weight machine and something snaps causing you to take more weight than you can handle. Or perhaps a weight falls off and the sudden shift in weight causes an injury. In these kinds of scenarios, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation. Suddenly taking more weight or suddenly losing weight you were holding can cause a whole host of muscular and ligament injuries.

If the equipment is in disrepair, you have a good claim for compensation. The gym should be insured and all we need to do is claim the compensation that is rightfully owed to you from the insurance that is there to cover you.

We’ve taken on a fair few gym equipment claims. Other examples we have seen in the past is pedals or handles snapping on cardio equipment, jumping equipment or mats being unstable and moving when in use causing injuries, and even electric shocks from faulty equipment.

Your Rights

In this kind of scenario, the law that applies is normally the Occupiers Liability Act. This puts a duty on the gym owners to take all reasonable steps to look after you when you are on their premises. If they fail to do this by failing to have effective equipment, they can be liable for compensation.

100% Compensation

For accidents in a gym, we can run these type of claims with our guaranteed no win, no fee service. This means exactly what is says on the tin – you win your claim, you keep every penny of your payout and we recover what legal fees we can from the other side. If it doesn’t win, you pay nothing.

Take care as ‘most other lawyers‘ out there will try and take up to 25% from your compensation payout.

For free and expert advice, call us now on 0800 634 7575 today.

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