Fallen on an unstable / broken ramp? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

Ramps, especially for the less able, are useful for access when steps are too much to negotiate. I like a good ramp as I have a leg condition that can limit my movements sometimes, and we all expect a ramp to be secure to ensure that we can safely use it.

But what if it isn’t secure? What if it moves when you step on it causing you to fall and inure yourself? Or what if it isn’t stable and wobbles and causes you to fall? What if it just breaks? If this happens to you, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Your Rights

If the ramp wobbles or moves causing you to fall, and this is a ramp at a public place like to a shop for example, you may have a claim against whoever is in charge of the ramp. Under the Occupiers Liability Act they are duty bound to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to make sure you are not injured on their premises.

I’m not going to entertain a pun when I talk about them taking “all reasonable steps” – but where a ramp is required for access because steps are not negotiable and you are injured because the ramp is not safe to use, we can certainly investigate this more on a No Win, No Fee basis for you. You’d expect the ramp to be safe to use – so if it isn’t, there may be a claim to make.

If the ramp is one provided by the council for access to a residence, there is a similar duty in that they must ensure that it is safe to use.

What you can claim for!

You are entitled to claim compensation for two main things – General Damages and Special Damages. General Damages covers compensation for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused by the injury itself. Special Damages covers losses.

Now, if you already have mobility problems and this accident has made a pre-existing condition or injury a lot worse, how does that factor in to the claim?

There is a term in law we call the “egg shell rule” which essentially means that we must accept the victim as we find them. If a pre-existing condition or injury is made worse, or the effect of a new injury is worse on you because of other problems, we can factor this in to the claim. It’s not your fault that you had pre-existing problems and as such you can still be compensated.

100% Compensation Offering

For a claim due to a defective or unsuitable / unstable ramp, we should be able to offer you a full 100% compensation agreement. Unlike other law firms, we will not deduct a success fee from your payout like other law firms will. So call us now on 0800 634 75 75 for advice today.

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