Slipped on wet paint? Make a claim today!

It’s unusual, but it’s has happened before – slipping on wet paint can be as embarrassing as it is painful. Normally you’d expect an area with wet paint on the ground, whether it’s dripped, spilt, or whether the actual ground has been painted, would be cordoned off with signs. But if it isn’t, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Your Rights

Your rights when it comes to making a claim are similar to that of any other general slip or trip. For a supermarket or a shop or another public place, the Occupiers Liability Act normally applies. In the workplace, it’s The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 that normally apply.

Both place an important duty of care on whoever is in control of the premises to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the ground is not slippery or dangerous. Wet paint is of course fairly slippery, and you should never be allowed to unknowingly step on wet paint and slip as a result. If no signs or cordons are in place, you may have a successful claim for compensation.

If the paint is spilt, then whoever is in control of the area has a duty to ensure that signs or cordons are erected straight away. You’d expect that the person who caused the spillage would do this – but if they fail to do anything about it then their employer will normally be vicariously liable if it’s the case they work for those in control of the premises. This means the employer still has to pay out.

All in all, we should be able to investigate this on a No Win, No Fee basis for you.

100% Compensation

For slips like this, whether is under the Occupiers Liability Act or whether it’s against your employer, we should be able to offer you a full 100% compensation agreement. The law changed on April 1st this year which means lawyers cannot recover all legal fees from the other side. In light of this, other lawyers are now, as a standard, taking 25% from a person’s payout.

We are still offering 100% compensation!

We still get paid by the other side, and we have decided to take the hit instead of you – i.e. receive less fees to ensure you keep all of your payout. We are doing this because we don’t want you to lose what is rightfully yours, and we can afford to take the hit. As a leading injury law firm, we take on and win such a high volume of cases that the lower fees work just fine for us.

How about that eh? A law firm that actually cares enough about our clients to lose money so you don’t have to! Stereotype lawyers all you want; but we always break the trends!

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