We ARE 100% Compensation Injury Lawyers

April 2013 – the dawn of a dark era for personal injury claiming when our wonderful government decided that people should pay to claim. They decided that the victim should suffer and have to lose some of their compensation. Why? Well, we have no idea. But the rules have changed.

To be brief, the rule change means lawyers cannot recover all of their legal fees from the other side like we used to be able to. As such, law firms are now taking a deduction of up to 25% from your payout, and they are asking for payment of insurance as well.

But we have a solution!

For most types of accidents, like work accidents at work and public liability claims, we will still let you keep all 100% of your compensation payout. The thing is, we still get paid by the other side; so we are still receiving fees for the work we do. The difference is that it is less than what we used to get.

And we self insure your case so you don’t pay for insurance!

So how can we afford to be different?

  • We take on and win such a huge volume of cases that we can afford to receive less fees per case. For us, it’s still commercially viable as we are a continually growing and leading injury law firm.
  • We never wasted millions of pounds on referral fees like most other lawyers did before they were banned in April. Law firms have, for years, been throwing money at insurers, claims companies, and even the police to buy claims for cash. All of our clients have come to us directly.
  • We specialise and only represent victims for personal injury claims. We’re efficient, we’re experienced, and we have the tools to get a claim settled quicker whilst still maximising your payout.

Can we give you a 100% for your claim?

If it’s a work accident or a slip, or a trip, for example, we probably can! Give us a call for advice now on 0800 634 75 75.

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