We ARE 100% Compensation Injury Lawyers

In April 2013, the government (in my opinion) ruined decades of access to justice and fairness when they abolished the recovery of certain legal fees in claims for personal injury compensation. For years accident victims were able to receive 100% of their payout as all of their legal fees could be recoverable from the opponent.

This is fair, right? Why should the victim have to pay to claim? If you suffered just vehicle damages in a road accident, you wouldn’t expect to have to pay your insurers to sort it out would you!?

But the government went ahead and stopped the recovery of two things – a Success Fee, and an After The Event insurance premium.

Now, for the purposes of this article, I am not going to go in to too much detail about the changes. Instead I’m going to focus on what’s important – how we can still offer a 100% compensation agreement when others cant. If you want more info on the changes, (click here).

We STILL Offer 100% Compensation

Because of the changes, most other lawyers are now taking 25% from your compensation payout to cover their Success Fee that they are no longer able to recover. On top of that many will ask for payment of insurance upfront as well. So how can we still offer 100% compensation?

Well, to put it simply, we still get paid by the other side. We are still entitled to recover legal fees from the opponent; we just can’t recover as much as we used to be able to in light of the changes.

So we, as well as all the other lawyers out there who are charging, still get paid – but rather than you losing some of the money that is rightfully yours, we have decided to take the hit instead and get less fees for your case.

How can we do this and Why?

How is simple:

  • We take on and win such a high volume of cases that the reduced fees work fine for us. We’re still able to operate just fine.
  • We specialise in just claims for personal injury; so we’re efficient and experienced. This helps us keep costs down.
  • We never wasted millions of pounds on referral fees like many lawyers did in the past before they were banned in April as well.

Why we are doing this is even simpler – because we don’t believe that accident victims should have to pay to claim. So for most injury claims like work accidents and public liability claims, we’ll take the hit so you can keep all 100% of your compensation payout.

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