Injured by Collapsing Hole or Trench or Cavern at Work

Many industries, particularly for construction, will involve the digging of deep holes, trenches or perhaps caverns. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that it is dangerous to be somewhere exposed to a risk of a hole, trench, or cavern collapsing inwards. You could end up seriously injured or worse…

So what if this happens to you? Perhaps you are in a hole and the walls collapse inwards causing an injury?

There is a general duty to ensure a person isn’t injured in the workplace. So if the accident could have been prevented, you may have a successful claim for personal injury compensation. Here are a few examples that can apply:

  • Props, guards, or barriers are not sufficient or stable enough, or are defective causing the collapse.
  • A colleague fails to adequate adapt the props / guards / barriers for use – or perhaps does something to collapse the props by accident.
  • Props / guards / barriers collapse because of vibration from work equipment which was not taken in to account.

Basically, if you can prove that more should and could have been done, you may be able to make a work injury claim.

The application of Personal Protective Equipment comes in to play as well. You should be provided with a hard hat to limit head injuries. If this isn’t supplied and you sustain a head injury, you can allege that your employer has breached The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.

100% Compensation for Work Accidents

Unlike most other law firms, we can offer you a full 100% compensation agreement for work accident claims. Even though the law changes in April 2013, meaning most lawyers will now take 25% from your payout, we will still give you all of your payout.

We still get paid by the other side, but we just get less than we used to. But we are fine to take the hit as we specialise and only represent victims for personal injury claims.

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