Fallen Down an Open Trapdoor? Make a Claim for Compensation Today

Whilst it may sound like something out of a slapstick comedy sketch, falling down an open trapdoor is no laughing matter and can result in serious injuries for the victim involved. You’re liable to break at least one bone, or perhaps end up with significant muscular, tendon, and / or ligament damage. You may end up injuring your back quite badly as well.

In general, the prospects of winning a claim for personal injury compensation for falling down an open trapdoor are good. For a public place like a bar or a restaurant, those in control of the premises must adhere to the Occupiers Liability Act. This means they must take all reasonable steps to prevent someone from being injured.

Now, leaving a trapdoor open without at least cordoning it off can be seen as blatant negligence. Its obviously going to be a hazard, and there is a real risk someone will not notice it is open and fall down it. If it happens at work, the applicable regulation under The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 states that any floor or traffic route shall have “no hole” as to pose a danger to an employee.

In theory you have a good claim.

If this has happened to you, we can offer you:

  • A full No Win, No Fee guarantee – meaning you pay nothing if the case is lost.
  • 100% compensation – even though the law has changed and most other lawyers will take 25% from your payout.
  • Private medical care – to help you recover from your injuries as soon as possible – all funded by the other side or from insurance if the case loses.
  • A specialist injury lawyer with decades of experience in dealing with claims for personal injury compensation caused by open trapdoors.

What can you claim for?

A claim will normally come in to two parts – General Damages and Special Damages.

General Damages is for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused by the injury after the accident. The loss of amenity could be significant if you are hardly mobile due to the nature of your injuries. Special Damages is for losses and expenses, like lost earnings, travel expenses to and from appointments, and medical expenses.

The idea behind claiming for personal injury compensation is to allow you to recover money to reflect your suffering and to make sure you haven’t lost out financially because of someone else’s negligence.

It’s dead easy to start a claim so get in touch today – with one phone call we can get a claim initiated on the very day you speak to us. It really is a simple and hassle free process.

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