Hit by a falling display sign in a shop, can you claim?

In the highly commercialised world we live in, marketing is everything – we’re subjected to huge amounts of TV, radio, and sign advertising everywhere we go. Shops and stores are full of display signs showing the latest offers and deals to entice you in to parting with your hard earned cash.

But surely one of the last things you expect is to be injured by a display sign in a shop – whether it’s a marketing sign or for other purposes. But if the sign is fairly large or perhaps sharp, you can easily end up injured if this happens to you.

And we have taken on several cases with these exact same circumstances.

So can you claim?

Well the shop has to adhere to the Occupiers Liability Act which basically means they must take all reasonable steps to look after any visitors to their store. Failing to take reasonable steps can be seen as a breach of this important pierce of health and safety law.

A breach of the law that causes an injury is normally the key ingredient in making a successful claim for personal injury compensation.

So whether the claim wins or not could come down to why the sign fell in the first place. If it was poorly secured or not properly secured, this can be seen as a failure. You may have a valid claim for personal injury compensation.

What should I do?

Make sure that the accident is reported, and CCTV should be requested ASAP because this could help prove your claim.

You then need to instruct an expert personal injury lawyer like us to represent you for your claim.

Starting a claim is dead easy – all we need to do is take a few bits of simple information and we can submit a claim form electronically (for most accidents like this) directly to the store or their insurers if we have their information. They have a few weeks to investigate the claim and confirm if they will agree to pay out or not.

Will I receive 100% of my compensation?

With other lawyers, probably not. The law changed in April 2013 and this stopped lawyers being able to recover all of their fees from the opponent like we have been allowed to do for years.

But with The Injury Lawyers 100% Compensation Pledge 4 U, we still offer you a 100% compensation agreement! We still get paid by the other side; it’s just not as much as we used to get paid. But we are agreeing to take the hit for our clients.

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