Hit by Falling Object Leaning Against a Wall? Injury Lawyers Advice

I know we all do it – lean things up against a wall before we have time to put them away. I often do it with my guitars once they’re unloaded from my car. The odd sweeping brush is often found leaning up when doing a bit of spring cleaning as well.

But what happens if an object leaning up against a wall was to tip over and hit you? Or perhaps slide down and hit you? Obviously if this happens in your own home and you’ve done the leaning, there isn’t really anyone to pursue a claim against! What I’m talking about here is if you are in a public place like a shop or perhaps at work and this happens.

The Law

As a visitor, the law that generally applies is the Occupiers Liability Act and this means that the occupier of a premises must take all reasonable steps to ensure you’re not injured. At work, there are specific regulations under The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 that address an employee being hit by a falling object. The law confirms that there should be provisions in place to prevent any person being struck by a falling object likely to cause personal injury. (source)

So you should not be subject to being not by a falling object. If something was placed against a wall in a negligent manner, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation against whoever is responsible for the premises. If it’s your employer, your employer may be liable.

If an employee of whoever is in control of a premises, or a colleague at work, has ignored policies and procedures to not lean things up against a wall or object and cause a potential hazard, the employer is still responsible for their actions. This is known as vicarious liability. So if a store assistant in a supermarket ignores policies not to lean ladders up against shelving, and the ladder slides down and hits you as you’re walking past, the supermarket is responsible.

Whether something has tipped over and hit you or slid down and tripped you up or collided with your legs, you may be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation if you have been injured in these circumstances.

We still offer 100% compensation payouts for these types of claims, so get in touch for free and friendly advice now on 0800 634 75 75.

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